Create PersistentVolumeClaim
This document provides step-by-step instructions to create a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) using the Local PV ZFS storage class. It explains how to define a PVC manifest with key attributes such as the storage class name, access modes, and storage size requirements.
By following the example provided, you can seamlessly request storage resources that are dynamically provisioned and managed by the ZFS driver.
Create a PVC using the storage class created for the ZFS driver. Here, the allocated volume size will be rounded off to the nearest Mi or Gi notation, see FAQs for more details.
If we are using the immediate binding in the storageclass then we can check the Kubernetes resource for the corresponding ZFS volume, otherwise in late binding case, we can check the same after pod has been scheduled:
The ZFS driver will create a ZFS dataset (or zvol as per fstype in the storageclass) on the node zfspv-node1 for the mentioned ZFS pool and the dataset name will same as PV name.
Go to the node zfspv-node1 and check the volume:
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