Kubernetes Storage Simplified

OpenEBS helps Developers and Platform SREs easily deploy Kubernetes Stateful Workloads that require fast and highly reliable Container Native Storage. OpenEBS turns any storage available on the Kubernetes worker nodes into local or distributed Kubernetes Persistent Volumes.

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Solution to manage your Kubernetes Stateful Workloads
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Why should you use OpenEBS?

Multi Cloud Storage

Multi Cloud Storage

Automated provisioning and storage replication across pods is challenging. OpenEBS makes complex cross-cloud stateful application storage easy.

Kubernetes Native Storage

Kubernetes Native Storage

OpenEBS operates exclusively in userspace, eliminating the need for Linux kernel-dependent software and simplifying the processes of deployment and maintenance.

Open Source Leader

Open Source Leader

The largest, most active Kubernetes storage project with the biggest user base and community.

Installation is as easy as …

helm install openebs --namespace openebs openebs/openebs --create-namespace


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Key features

Container Storage

Container Storage

Storage that follows your workloads, adding agility and flexibility to your K8s apps.

Granular Control

Granular Control

Every workload has its own dynamic container based storage with any controls you need.

No Vendor Lock-in

No Vendor Lock-in

100% Open Source so you will never find your critical data locked into expensive contracts.

Save Money on Storage

Save Money on Storage

Thin provisioning and ephemeral storage let you allocate storage on demand and spend less on cloud storage.

Backups and more

Backups and more

Move your workloads and storage from dev to production, all powered by OpenEBS.

Run Anywhere

Run Anywhere

Your K8s app can run on any Cloud or On-premise and improve resilience across many availability zones.

Who loves OpenEBS?


Home cluster mix of Arm and Intel i3 based. 2x Intel NUC (i3). 3x Raspberry pi (4GB memory). 1x NAS/Custom build machine.


V. Aretakis

Agnes Intelligence

Storage of Apache Solr data, Transmission of micro-service messages and shared storage for micro-service.

Arista Networks

Easy for developers to use: developers don't have to worry beyond choosing the right storageclass and size of storage. Decouples developers from storage integrity and unnecessary details that they shouldn't have to worry about.


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You are ready to start

helm install openebs --namespace openebs openebs/openebs --create-namespace

Copy and execute the following command on your Kubernetes cluster to install OpenEBS

And you will see how to manage your workloads with OpenEBS easily