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Manage FSGroup Using Pod Security Context and CSI Driver Spec#

We can manage permission change of volume using fsGroup. This helps non-root process to access the volume. CSI driver spec and Pod security context help us on when to apply permission change using fsGroup.

External Links Describing this Feature#

Implementation Details#

Volume ownership and permission are managed by kubelet. To mount CSI volume kubelet calls NodePublishVolume implemented by SP, after successful mount it tries to apply ownership and permission if required. Every volume in Kubernetes like configmap, secret, CSI volume implements Mounter and Unmounter interface. Volume ownership and permission are part of the SetUp method of CSI Mounter.

_________________________ Kubernetes Node _________________________________
| _________ kubelet ___________ _________ CSI Node Driver _________ |
| | | | | |
| | - CSI Mounter | | | |
| | - Task a | | | |
| | - Task b | | - NodePublishVolume | |
| | - NodePublishVolume | | (How to mount the volume) | |
| | - SetVolumeOwnership | | | |
| | - Task x | | | |
| | - Task y | | | |
| |_____________________________| |___________________________________| |


Storage admin can set FSGroupPolicy in CSI Driver spec with 3 values.

  • ReadWriteOnceWithFSType - Modify the volume ownership and permissions to the defined fsGroup when the accessMode is RWO and fsType is set.
  • None - Mount the volume without attempting to modify volume ownership or permissions.
  • File - Always attempt to apply the defined fsGroup to modify volume ownership and permissions regardless of fsType or accessMode.

Sample CSI Driver

kind: CSIDriver
attachRequired: false
fsGroupPolicy: File
#fsGroupPolicy: None
#fsGroupPolicy: ReadWriteOnceWithFSType
podInfoOnMount: true
- Persistent

Application developer can set PodFSGroupChangePolicy in Pod spec with 2 values.

  • OnRootMismatch - Only perform permission and ownership change if permissions of top-level directory do not match with expected permissions and ownership.
  • Always - Always change the permissions and ownership to match fsGroup.

Sample Pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: security-context
runAsUser: 2000
runAsGroup: 3000
fsGroup: 6000
fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch
#fsGroupChangePolicy: Always
- name: data
claimName: csi-volume
- name: security-context
image: busybox
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
command: [ "sh", "-c", "sleep 24h" ]
- name: data
mountPath: /data

Test Plans#

Test plans are a combination of:

  • CSIDriver.Spec.FSGroupPolicy
    • File
    • None
    • ReadWriteOnceWithFSType
  • PersistentVolumeClaim.Status.AccessModes
    • ReadWriteOnce
    • ReadOnlyMany
    • ReadWriteMany

LVM CSI driver supports only ReadWriteOnly access mode so updated combination:

  • CSIDriver.Spec.FSGroupPolicy
    • File
    • None
    • ReadWriteOnceWithFSType
  • PersistentVolumeClaim.Status.AccessModes
    • ReadWriteOnce

FSGroupPolicy File and ReadWriteOnceWithFSType are equal for accesstype ReadWriteOnce.

Here are the test cases -

  1. Deploy CSI Driver with FSGroupPolicy ReadWriteOnceWithFSType initial and updated non-root process should be able to access the volume.
  2. Deploy CSI Driver with FSGroupPolicy File initial and updated non-root process should be able to access the volume.
  3. Deploy CSI Driver with FSGroupPolicy None initial and updated non-root process should not be able to access the volume.
  4. For all FSGroupPolicy root process should be able to access volume.
  5. If fsGroup is missing from the Pod spec then non-root process should not be able to access the volume.

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