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Mayastor Overview#

Mayastor is a progressive sub-project of the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) Open Source initiative OpenEBS. OpenEBS is a "Container Attached Storage" (CAS) solution that extends Kubernetes by providing a declarative data plane, offering resilient and adaptable storage for stateful applications.

Mayastor Design Goals#

The fundamental design objectives driving Mayastor's development are as follows:

  • High Availability and Durability: Mayastor aims to ensure the persistence of data with high levels of availability and durability, contributing to the reliability of applications in a Kubernetes environment.
  • Simplified Deployment and Management: The project endeavors to achieve seamless deployment and effortless management, empowering autonomous SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) or development teams to handle the storage infrastructure efficiently.
  • Low Overhead Abstraction: Mayastor is designed to be a lightweight abstraction, minimizing resource overhead while delivering optimal storage performance for workloads.

NVMe-oF Semantics and Performance#

Mayastor is built on the foundation of Intel's cutting-edge Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK). The project fully leverages the protocol and computational efficiency of NVMe-oF (Non-Volatile Memory Express over Fabrics) semantics. This approach harnesses the immense performance capabilities of the latest generation solid-state storage devices, delivering a storage abstraction that incurs performance overhead within single-digit percentages.

In contrast, traditional pre-CAS shared storage systems are known to introduce overhead, often exceeding 40% and occasionally reaching as high as 80% of the underlying device or cloud volume capabilities. Moreover, pre-CAS shared storage can scale unpredictably as various workloads compete for access to shared storage resources.


Although Mayastor utilizes NVMe-oF, it doesn't impose any requirements for the use of NVMe devices or cloud volumes.

Getting Started and User Documentation#

For comprehensive insights into Mayastor's architecture, core concepts, and to begin using the platform, refer to the official user documentation available in GitBook format:

Source Code and Contributions#

To access the Mayastor source code or actively contribute to the project, visit the GitHub repository:

Community Support via Slack#

Join the vibrantOpenEBS community on Kubernetes Slack for assistance and discussions related to OpenEBS and Mayastor. If you have questions or seek further information, visit the #openebs channel. If you're not already part of the community, you can sign up on Kubernetes Slack for a collaborative experience.

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