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Install and Setup#


Mayastor is incompatible with NDM (openebs-ndm) and cStor (cstor). Installing or upgrading Mayastor with --set mayastor.enabled=true will either not deploy LocalPV Provisioner and NDM or will remove them (if they already exist).

However, installing Mayastor will not affect any preexisting LocalPV volumes.

Before deploying and using Mayastor ensure that all of the prerequisites are met.

  • To install Mayastor in a new cluster using OpenEBS chart, execute:
helm repo add openebs
helm repo update
helm install openebs --namespace openebs openebs/openebs --set mayastor.enabled=true --create-namespace

Once the installation is complete, move to the next step: configuring Mayastor.

For more information about Mayastor check out the Mayastor documentation.

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